Monthly Archives: March 2018

Field Day

Lower School students enjoyed an Olympic-themed Field Day!  With a focus on good sportsmanship, collaboration, and newfound friendships, we kicked off the day with our Opening Ceremony.  Appropriately dressed in a toga for this fun-filled event, Dr. Surber announced each grade level as classroom representatives proudly displayed their banners.  In keeping with ancient Olympic traditions, runners from each class passed the torch which was lit from the “Olympic Cauldron of Competition and Good Sportsmanship.” Memorable games such as Team Flag Tag, Bobsled Relay, Shoe Kick, Hula Hoop Loop, Team Long Jump, and Over-Under quickly followed.  We finished the day with a rally at Hope Ranch with Middle and Upper School students and delicious pizza. Hooray for a day focused on friendships across all grade levels. O-W-L-S Laguna Blanca is THE BEST!